Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Art House Co-op Sketchbook project

I got my sketchbook yesterday. The blank pages are very intimidating. More so than an eight foot canvas. Stay tuned while I quash my fears.

Update: The book is gessoed and I have a theme. It is now quiet at home so I'll be starting the actual "work" before New Year's.


  1. Wish you Merry Christmas, Elizabeth!!!

  2. Merry Christmas Monika! Wishing you a new year full of creativity!

  3. The blank pages are waithing, for your creativity!!!
    Wish you all the best for 2013!

  4. Hi Elizabeth! Thank you for stopping by. I hope you now past the intimidating blank, whiteness of your sketchbook. I know that feeling! My best to you for a happy, healthy and inspirational New Year!

  5. Stick Up & Willy I'm looking forward to seeing your work throughout 2013 :) It feels good to be around creative people even in virtual reality. The work is the real connection to you.

  6. Good Luck with your Sketchbook Project. It's sounds very exciting!
